Where we are

Australia is a great location for international trade due to its strong economy, abundance of natural resources, and favorable business environment. Australia is well set up for Importing and exporting a variety of goods and services to and from other countries around the world, being a major player in the global economy due to the abundance of natural resources, including minerals and agricultural products and being a significant producer of coal, iron ore, and other minerals, as well as agricultural products.

Being based in Australia, provides access to a well-developed infrastructure, including ports and airports, which makes it easy to transport goods and services to and from other countries. With a stable political environment and strong legal system, this makes it an attractive destination for foreign investors and companies looking to do business.

Raw materials are transported to manufacturing facilities via truck, train, or ship and air. To ensure a smooth and efficient production process, Standard Chemicals International supply services to provide manufacturers who need to have a reliable supply chain that can provide the right materials on time, and in the right quantities.

As a supplier we also ensure compliance with any safety and environmental regulations. We can also offer storage and perform toll blending services.