
  • Xanthates interact with the mineral surfaces and water in the flotation cell. Xanthate can assist and improve froth flotation efficiency by adsorbing onto mineral surfaces, improving selectivity, increasing concentrate yield, regulating pH, and being cost-effective.

    Xanthate is a collector used in froth flotation that selectively attaches to the surface of the mineral particles, making them hydrophobic and allowing them to connect to the air bubbles. This additive is widely used in the flotation of sulfide minerals, such as copper, lead, zinc, and other metals.

    Research has shown that Xanthate can improve the flotation of Copper Sulfide ores by increasing the recovery of copper and decreasing the recovery of Iron Sulfides. Other studies have shown that Xanthate can improve the flotation of Zinc and Lead Sulfide ores by increasing the grade and recovery of the concentrate.

    Xanthate acts as a beneficial additive in froth flotation because it can aid:

    • Adsorption: Xanthate molecules can adsorb onto the surfaces of mineral particles, particularly sulfide minerals such as chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and galena. This adsorption is due to the hydrophobic nature of the xanthate molecule and a polar functional group (such as an O or S atom) that can interact with the mineral surface.
    • Selectivity: Xanthate can improve the selectivity of mineral separation by preferentially adsorbing onto the surfaces of certain minerals. This can be particularly beneficial in complex ores containing multiple minerals with similar properties.
    • Higher concentrate yield: Xanthate can improve concentrate yield in zinc, copper, molybdenum, and other ores by increasing the recovery of valuable minerals. This is due to the increased adsorption of the xanthate molecules onto the mineral surfaces, which can increase the probability of the froth collecting the mineral particles.
    • pH regulation: Xanthate can also act as a pH regulator in froth flotation. The Xanthate molecule can dissociate into an anion and a cation in solution, with the anion contributing to the adsorption onto the mineral surface and the cation contributing to the pH regulation of the flotation cell.
    • Cost-effectiveness: Xanthate is a relatively inexpensive reagent easily incorporated into froth flotation processes. This can lead to cost savings in the production of minerals, particularly in large-scale mining operations.


    • Bulatovic, S. M. (2007). Handbook of flotation reagents: chemistry, theory, and practice. Elsevier.
    • Smith, R. W., Mudder, T. I., & Yan, D. S. (1996). The use of Xanthate in froth flotation. US Patent No. 5,511,041.