Sodium Thiocyanate

  • Sodium Thiocyanate is categorized as a sulfur-containing compound and is commonly used in mineral ore processing applications as a froth flotation reagent collector.

    In froth flotation, Sodium Thiocyanate is added to the ore slurry to selectively separate minerals by their hydrophobicity. When added to the flotation process, Sodium Thiocyanate adsorbs onto the surface of the mineral particles, enhancing their hydrophobicity and allowing them to attach to air bubbles in the flotation cell. The mineral-laden bubbles rise to the surface of the flotation cell and form a froth, which is then collected and further processed. Sodium Thiocyanate is particularly effective in containing sulfide minerals such as copper, lead, and zinc ores. It can also be used in the flotation of other minerals, such as gold and silver.

    Sodium Thiocyanate is also used in mineral ore processing applications as a depressant to inhibit the flotation of unwanted minerals or as a leaching agent to extract gold from ores.