Silica Fume

  • Silica Fume is a fine-grain mineral additive used in plasterboard and drywall manufacture to improve the properties of the gypsum core. Using Silica Fume in plasterboard and drywall manufacture helps improve plasterboards’ strength, water resistance, and fire resistance, which can enhance their durability and safety.

    The inclusion of Silica Fume serves several functions in plasterboard manufacture:

    • Fire protection: Silica Fume can also improve the fire resistance of plasterboard and drywall products. When exposed to high temperatures, the silica fume particles can react with the gypsum to form a calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) gel that can help to protect the gypsum core from damage and prevent the spread of flames.
    • Strength enhancement: Silica Fume is a pozzolanic material that can react with calcium hydroxide and other minerals in the gypsum core to produce additional calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) gel to improve the strength and durability of the finished product.
    • Water resistance: can be improved, which helps prevent moisture exposure damage. Silica Fume particles can fill in the pores and voids in the core, which can help to reduce the amount of water that can penetrate the core and cause it to degrade.