PolyDADMAC (Poly Diallyl Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride)

  • PolyDADMAC is a coagulant that is commonly used in water treatment applications. It is a colorless or pale-yellow liquid that is soluble in water. PolyDADMAC removes impurities from water, such as suspended solids, color, and turbidity.

    PolyDADMAC has the following benefits in water treatment:

    • High efficiency: PolyDADMAC is a highly efficient coagulant, requiring less dosing than other coagulants such as aluminum sulfate.
    • Versatile: PolyDADMAC can be used in various water treatment applications, including drinking water, wastewater, and industrial water treatment.
    • Low sludge production: PolyDADMAC produces less sludge than other coagulants, such as aluminum sulfate, which helps reduce the cost of sludge disposal.