Magnesium Oxide

  • For Oil & Gas cementing applications, our product portfolio consists of high-temperature expansion agents: – High-Temperature expansion agents (dead-burnt magnesia) – Low-Medium Temperature expansion agent (sintered dolomite)

    XP Mag applications include anywhere shrinkage cracks are undesirable.

    High Temperature: DBM M

    DBM M is a natural dead-burnt magnesia (DBM) product tailored for Oil & Gas well cementing operations. When added to the slurry, it provides sufficient expansion to ensure zonal isolation and good bonding between the cement and the casing, for temperatures above 85°C/185°F

    Low-Medium Temperature: DBD-S | DBD-C DBD-S and DBD-C

    These are sintered dolomite products sourced from Europe and China to offer a flexible supply globally. Both products fulfill the same chemical and physical specifications for their use as expansive cement additives. Thanks to rigorous quality control, DBD-S and DBD-C guarantee a stable performance for temperatures below 90°C/195°F.