Lithium Hydroxide

  • Lithium Hydroxide is a chemical compound commonly used in concrete admixture applications to prevent Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) and its associated damage to concrete structures. ASR is a chemical reaction between the alkalis in cement and reactive forms of silica, such as quartz or chert, present in some aggregates. The response can lead to the formation of a gel that expands and cracks the concrete, leading to significant damage.

    Lithium Hydroxide effectively prevents ASR in concrete because it reacts with the silica in the aggregate, forming a stable lithium-silicate gel that does not expand. This gel forms a protective layer around the reactive silica, preventing it from reacting with the alkalis in the cement. This process is known as lithium treatment, a widely used method for preventing ASR.

    The benefits of using lithium hydroxide in concrete admixtures for ASR prevention include the following:

    • Cost-effective: Lithium Hydroxide is a cost-effective solution for preventing ASR in concrete structures. It is readily available and can be easily added to concrete mixes.
    • Long-lasting protection: Lithium-silicate gel formed in the presence of Lithium Hydroxide provides long-lasting protection against ASR, making it a reliable solution for preventing damage to concrete structures.
    • Improved durability: By preventing ASR, lithium hydroxide can help enhance concrete structures’ durability and extend their lifespan.
  • Lithium Hydroxide (LiOH) is a common thickener in grease manufacturing. It is classified as an alkali metal soap thickener and is used to improve the grease’s structural stability and mechanical properties. Lithium Hydroxide-based greases have good water resistance, high dropping points, and good shear stability.