
  • The use of Lignosulfonate in the froth flotation of various ores has shown that Lignosulfonate can improve the flotation of Copper Sulfide ores by depressing the gangue minerals, particularly pyrite. Other studies have shown that lignosulfonate can improve the flotation of Zinc and Lead Sulfide ores by depressing the gangue minerals, particularly silicates.

    Lignosulfonate can assist and improve froth flotation efficiency by adsorbing onto gangue mineral surfaces, acting as a dispersant, regulating pH, being environmentally friendly, and being cost-effective.

    The reasons why Lignosulfonate is a beneficial reagent in froth flotation can be explained as follows:

    • Adsorption: Lignosulfonate molecules can adsorb onto the surfaces of gangue minerals (i.e., minerals not desired in the concentrate) due to their anionic nature. This adsorption can prevent the gangue minerals from interacting with the collectors, improving the flotation process’s selectivity.
    • Dispersion: Lignosulfonate can also act as a dispersant by preventing the agglomeration of mineral particles. This can improve the flotation kinetics and the recovery of valuable minerals.
    • pH regulation: Lignosulfonate can act as a pH regulator by buffering the pH in the flotation cell. This can prevent fluctuations in pH, which can affect the efficiency of the flotation process.
    • Environmentally friendly: Lignosulfonate is a natural, biodegradable product derived from wood pulp. This makes it an environmentally friendly alternative to synthetic reagents.
    • Cost-effective: Lignosulfonate is a relatively inexpensive reagent easily incorporated into froth flotation processes. This can lead to cost savings in the production of minerals, particularly in large-scale mining operations.


    • Bulatovic, S. M. (2007). Handbook of flotation reagents: chemistry, theory, and practice. Elsevier.
    • Song, S., Sun, W., Li, L., Li, X., Liu, Z., & Li, G. (2017). The mechanism investigation of the effect of lignosulfonate on the flotation of sulfide minerals: A review. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 166, 43-54.