Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate (Gypsum)

  • Gypsum is a mineral compound that is commonly used in water treatment applications. It is a soft sulfate mineral of calcium sulfate dihydrate (CaSO4ยท2H2O).

    Gypsum has many uses in water treatment, including:

    • Coagulation and Flocculation: Gypsum is used as a coagulant and flocculant in water treatment to remove impurities such as suspended solids, turbidity, and color. Gypsum helps to coagulate and flocculate these impurities, which makes them easier to remove from water.
    • pH Adjustment: Gypsum is also used in water treatment to adjust water pH. It is added to water to increase the pH, which can help reduce water’s corrosive properties and prevent damage to pipes and equipment.
    • Softening: Gypsum can soften hard water by removing excess minerals such as calcium and magnesium. It works by exchanging the calcium and magnesium ions with sodium ions, which makes the water softer and more suitable for domestic and industrial use.
    • Byproduct Management: Gypsum is also used in water treatment as a byproduct management tool. It is commonly used to treat wastewater from coal-fired power plants and other industries to remove heavy metals, sulfur, and nitrogen compounds.

    The benefits of using Gypsum in water treatment include:

    • Cost-effective: Gypsum is a cost-effective option for water treatment compared to other chemical treatments. It is readily available and inexpensive, which makes it a convenient option for many water treatment applications.
    • Safe: Gypsum is a non-toxic and non-hazardous material, which makes it safe to handle and use in water treatment applications.
    • Environmentally friendly: Gypsum is a naturally occurring mineral and is considered environmentally friendly. It does not produce any harmful byproducts or contribute to pollution.
    • Effective: Gypsum is an effective coagulant and flocculant in water treatment. It can remove impurities such as suspended solids, turbidity, and color, and can also be used to adjust the pH of the water and soften hard water.