Calcium Chloride

  • Calcium Chloride is a white crystalline substance commonly used in pre-packaged bagged products in the dry-mix.

    Here are some examples of how and why it is used:

    • Concrete Mixes: Calcium Chloride is often added to concrete mixes as a set accelerator. It can help speed up the concrete’s setting time, allowing it to cure faster and reach its full strength sooner. This is particularly useful in cold weather conditions where low temperatures can slow down the setting time of the concrete.
    • Mortar Mixes: Calcium Chloride can also be added to mortar mixes to speed up the setting time and improve the workability of the mix. It can help to reduce the risk of cracking or shrinkage in the finished mortar.
    • Self-Leveling Compounds: Calcium Chloride is used as a drying accelerator in self-leveling compounds. It can help speed up the compound’s drying time, allowing it to be ready for foot traffic or installing flooring sooner.
    • Road Stabilization: Calcium Chloride is sometimes used as a road stabilizer in dry mix bagged products. It can help reduce dust, improve traction, and stabilize the road surface, making it safer for vehicles to drive.
    • Dust Control: Calcium Chloride can be added to dry mix bagged products used for dust control purposes, such as in agricultural settings or unpaved roads. It can help to suppress dust and improve the overall air quality of the area.