CAC (Calcium Aluminate Cement)

  • CAC is a hydraulic binder that fuses limestone and bauxite in a rotary kiln. CAC cement sets quickly, and its high early strength is beneficial in precast concrete production, where rapid demolding and handling are required. CAC cement is also used in refractory castable, which is used to line high-temperature furnaces, kilns, and boilers.

    CAC systems are proven to work and are impervious to biogenic attacks:

    • CAC systems are formulated with a high calcium aluminate concentration, giving them exceptional strength and rapid-setting properties. This allows the system to set quickly, which minimizes downtime and allows the sewer to be put back into service quickly.
    • CAC systems have excellent adhesion properties, which enable them to bond tightly to the substrate. This creates a strong, durable lining that can withstand high water pressure, chemical attacks, and abrasion.
    • Biogenic attacks are caused by bacteria that thrive in sewage environments. These bacteria produce sulfuric acid, which can erode and corrode sewer structures over time. CAC systems are highly resistant to biogenic attacks because they are not susceptible to the acid these bacteria produce. In addition, the dense, impervious surface of the CAC lining prevents the bacteria from penetrating the surface and causing further damage.
    • CAC systems create a seamless, smooth surface that is easy to clean and maintain. The smooth surface prevents the accumulation of debris, which can cause blockages and backups in the sewer system.