AR Glass Fibers (Alkali-Resistant Glass Fibers)

  • AR Glass Fibers (Alkali-Resistant Glass Fibers), which are typically made of glass, are beneficial for use in concrete and dry-mix systems because they are specifically designed to withstand the highly alkaline environment of concrete.

    When the concrete sets and hardens, it produces a highly alkaline environment with a pH of around 12.5-13.5. This alkaline environment can weaken and rust many types of fibers, which can compromise the integrity of the concrete. However, AR Glass Fibers are designed to resist this alkaline environment, which makes them more durable and longer-lasting in concrete applications.

    In contrast, other types of fibers, such as PP (Polypropylene) or PAN (Polyacrylonitrile) Fibers, may not be as resistant to the alkaline environment of concrete. These fibers may degrade over time, leading to cracking and other forms of damage to the concrete.

    AR Glass Fibers also provide other benefits for concrete and dry-mix systems. They can improve the strength and durability of the concrete and its resistance to cracking and other forms of damage. They can also help to control shrinkage and reduce the risk of cracking due to drying and curing.

    Alkali-Resistant Glass Fibers are designed for use in concrete mixes exposed to alkaline environments, such as seawater or wastewater treatment plants. These fibers’ chemical composition helps protect them from the corrosive effects of alkaline substances, making them ideal for use in these environments. The use of AR Glass Fibers in concrete and dry-mix systems can help improve these materials’ performance and longevity, making them a popular choice in many construction and industrial applications.