Plastic & Rubber

Standard Chemicals International supplies a range of functional fillers and flame retardants, plasticizers, PVC heat stabilizers, PU and Epoxy curing agents, and Antioxidants for the Plastic & Rubber industry.

Pigments, flame retardants, heat, light stabilizers, and plasticizers are crucial additives used in rubber and plastic manufacture.

Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are commonly used pigments that provide color to the material. They also have additional benefits, such as UV protection and improved durability.

Flame retardants, such as Zinc Borate, Phosphates, Aluminum Trihydrate, and Magnesium Hydroxide, are added to rubber and plastic products to prevent or delay fire spread. These additives release water or create a protective layer on the material’s surface when exposed to fire, reducing the risk of ignition.

Inorganic heat stabilizers, including calcium and zinc salts, are used to prevent material degradation due to heat exposure. Organic heat stabilizers, such as antioxidants, UV absorbers, and hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS), avoid degradation due to light exposure. These additives play a critical role in ensuring the longevity of the material.

Plasticizers, such as DINP, DOP, DPHP, DOTP, and TOTM, are used to improve the flexibility and durability of the material. They reduce the material’s stiffness and increase its elongation at break. These additives are commonly used in cables, flooring, and coatings.

Flame Retardants

Flame Retardants are additives used in plastics and rubber to reduce flammability and prevent or slow fire...

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Heat Stabilizers and Lubricants

PVC is inherently unstable when exposed to heat and light, which can lead to degradation and loss of physical...

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Using pigments in concrete, pre-bagged, dry-mix systems can help improve the material’s appearance,...

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Plasticizers improve the flexibility, low-temperature resistance, and processability of PVC products. They...

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