Mining & Mineral Processing

In the Mineral Processing Industry, the choice of reagents and their dosages depend on the specific ore type, mineral distribution, and other processing conditions. However, when used in combination with other flotation reagents, optimal flotation performance can be achieved.

PNS (Poly Naphthalene Sulfonate) is a flotation reagent in the mineral processing industry. It is used as a collector for the flotation of sulfide minerals from their ores, such as copper, lead, and zinc.

The primary mechanism of PNS is its ability to adsorb onto the surface of sulfide minerals, reducing the hydrophobicity of the mineral and making it easier to float. PNS can also act as a depressant, reducing the flotation of undesired minerals.

Mineral Processing Additives

Using the right combination of collectors, dispersants, and frothers, mining and mineral processing companies...

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